• Sparkling wine


    Capacity 750ml

    Alc. 11.5%

    Sweet is the most popular type of sparkling wine. This sparkling wine will surprise you by its high quality, perfect rich flavour of flowers and fruit and a bit sweetish unpretentious taste. Sweet ITALIANA PRESTIGE sparkling wine will be remembered by those who appreciate high quality and enjoy the sweet taste.

    Sweet sparkling wine is best to drink with fruits and desserts.

    This sparkling wine has been awarded in international exhibitions:

    • On 13–17 November 2006 in Moscow, in the 10th International professional winemakers competition “Best Champagne, Wine and Cognac of the Year” – gold medal
    • On 18–22 of November 2004, 8th International professional winemakers competition, Moscow – silver medal;
    • On 13–17 April 2004 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2004 exhibition – gold medal;
    • On 12 December 2003 – Lithuanian Product of the Year 2003;
    • On 17–21 November 2003 in Moscow, in the 7th International professional winemakers competition “Best Champagne, Wine and Cognac of the Year 2003” – gold medal;



    Capacity 750 ml

    Alc. 11.5%

    Semi-dry is a medium-sweet sparkling wine. It is somewhat less sweet than the sweet wine, and sweeter than brut. This sparkling wine is versatile in terms of flavour, and therefore perfectly suited as a gift or served for friends and guests. This variety of sparkling wine is also used as an appetizer before a meal or a snack and has a perfect balance with various meat or fish dishes.

    This sparkling wine has been awarded in international exhibitions:

    • On 10–13 April 2006 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2006 exhibition – gold medal;
    • On 18–22 of November 2004, 8th International professional winemakers competition, Moscow – gold medal;
    • On 13–17 April 2004 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2004 exhibition – gold medal;
    • On 12 December 2003 – Lithuanian Product of the Year 2003;
    • On 17–21 November 2003 in Moscow, in the 7th International professional winemakers competition “Best Champagne, Wine and Cognac of the Year 2003” – silver medal;




    Capacity 750 ml

    Alc. 11.5%

    Brut is the least sweetened sparkling wine. This type is most popular among sparkling wine lovers, since only brut can best reveal the wine taste, aroma and other characteristics of tasting. Therefore, if you decide to assess the mastery of a sparkling wine producer, we recommended choosing their brute. Champagne produced in the Champagne region and sparkling wines from other countries produced by applying the methode traditionelle and the methode champenoise are generally brutes.

    Brute is mostly used as an aperitif before a meal or during a meal. It is best with fish or meat dishes.

    This sparkling wine has been awarded in international exhibitions:

    • On 02–05 April 2007 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2007 exhibition – gold medal;
    • On 10–13 April 2006 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2006 exhibition – gold medal;
    • On 16–20 of November 2005, 9th International professional winemakers competition, Moscow – silver medal;
    • On 11–14 April 2005 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2005 exhibition – gold medal;
    • On 18–22 of November 2004, 8th International professional winemakers competition, Moscow – bronze medal;
    • On 13–17 April 2004 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2004 exhibition – GRAND PRIX;
    • On 12 December 2003 – Lithuanian Product of the Year 2003;
    • On 17–21 November 2003 in Moscow, in the 7th International professional winemakers competition “Best Champagne, Wine and Cognac of the Year 2003” – gold medal;
    • On 14–17 April 2003 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2002 exhibition – gold medal;


    Capacity 750 ml.

    Alc. 11,5%

    ITALIANA CLASSIC original, classic, high-quality sparkling wine.

    ITALIANA CLASSIC semi-dry is recommended to fish or meat dishes. Served with various snacks made of cheese, olives, ham.

    This sparkling wine has been awarded in international exhibitions:

    • On 11–14 April 2005 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2005 exhibition – gold medal;
    • On 18–22 of November 2004, 8th International professional winemakers competition, Moscow – gold medal;
    • On 16 November 2004 – Lithuanian Product of the Year 2004; gold medal;

    Capacity 750 ml.

    Alc. 11,5%

    ITALIANA CLASSIC original, classic, high-quality sparkling wine.

    ITALIANA CLASSIC sweet fits to a variety of desserts, pastries and cakes. Served with a selection of fruits as well as strawberries or grapes.

    This sparkling wine has been awarded in international exhibitions:

    • Awarded a gold medal and a Grand Prix in the Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2007 international exhibition in 2007;


    Capacity 750 ml.

    Alc. 11,5%

    The production of naturally fermented sparkling wine ITALIANA ROSE sweet began in 2008 and was aimed at introducing to the Lithuanian market this variety of sparkling wines that was becoming increasingly popular in Western Europe, a rose sparkling wine. This sparkling wine is a little sweet, fresh, with a delicate fruit and floral aroma. With French wine we achieved a special harmony of taste and aroma. In 2008, this sparkling wine was awarded a gold medal in the international exhibition Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2008.


    About PRESTIGE

    ITALIANA PRESTIGE – Charmat method is used in Lithuania for the production of sparkling wine, specifically selected French wine dominate by Chardonnay and Pinot varieties which are best suited for sparkling wines.

    As in many Western European countries, double fermentation process takes place in special pressurised containers during the production of sparkling wine by the Charmat method.

    ITALIANA PRESTIGE sparkling wines feature a wonderful taste, pure tones of fresh flowers and fruit, and a subtle aftertaste. Long years of expedients of the producers ensure a complete absorption of carbon dioxide in wine; therefore ITALIANA PRESTIGE sparkling wine will surprise you with its wonderful bubbles in the cup for an extended time.

    ITALIANA sparkling wines have been produced for 5 years. Throughout this period, these sparkling wines were awarded in international tasting competitions with two GRAND PRIX awards, 15 golden, 5 silver and 1 bronze medal.


    About CLASSIC

    ITALIANA CLASSIC is natural double-fermented sparkling wine produced from exclusive grape varieties that are suitable for sparkling wines. This sparkling wine was essentially updated in 2009, and now has a classic sophistication and even higher quality. ITALIANA CLASSIC is a natural double-fermented sparkling wine made exclusively from the wine of the sparkling wine grape varieties. As with most Western European sparkling wines, ITALIANA CLASSIC is produced in pressurised steel containers in Charmat method, otherwise known as the classical non-bottled way. Abundant experience of our wine production masters and carefully selected raw materials ensure the quality of ITALIANA CLASSIC sparkling wine, its clean classic tones of aroma and a wonderful classic taste.

    Meanwhile, the GRAND PRIX and four gold medals from international tasting competitions give the meaning to the quality of sparkling ITALIANA CLASSIC wines.

    This sparkling wine of classic taste will enrich your holiday with bright colours of rising bubbles and rich fruit aroma.

  • Flavoured carbonated wine drink


    Capacity 750 ml.

    Alc. 8%

    Semi-sweet wine drink MARSEL features refreshing fruit flavour and has slightly sweet taste and clean aroma. This drink is perfect for sunny summer days or fresh evenings with fruit and sweet dishes. It is also appropriate with various meals.


    Capacity 750 ml.

    Alc. 8%

    Sweet wine drink MARSEL is best suited to desserts, ice cream and sweeter fruits. Rich flavour, very rich aroma and pure aftertaste will surprise you with its high quality.


    Capacity 750 ml.

    Alc. 8%

    This MARSEL wine dink has high-quality and perfect taste characteristics. The drink is exclusively dominated by nutmeg flavour and aroma. Therefore, this drink will be favoured by nutmeg lovers.

    About product

    MARSEL is aerated sparkling flavoured wine drink made from a natural grape wine. This drink is enriched with natural flavours and has a pleasant nice flavourful, refreshing ripe fruit tones, a very light and clean aftertaste and rich flavour. These drinks are becoming particularly popular in Lithuania because of their colour and the luxurious and aesthetic appearance.

    MARSEL original
    Marsel Exclusive
    MARSEL muscat
  • vermouth

    Capacity 1000 ml.

    Alc. 14,5%

    The production of ITALIANA BIANCO vermouth began in 2002.

    This is vermouth of wonderful aroma and taste, which combines the best traditions, time tested recipes and the warmth of people who created it. Vermouth is used as an appetizer or a main ingredient of cocktails.

    ITALIANA BIANCO vermouth was awarded a gold medal in international exhibitions.

    This vermouth has been awarded in international exhibitions:

    • On 02–05 April 2007 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2007 exhibition – gold medal;
    • On 10–13 April 2006 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2006 exhibition – gold medal;
    • On 16–20 of November 2005, 9th International professional winemakers competition, Moscow – gold medal;
    • On 13–17 April 2004 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2004 exhibition – gold medal;
    • On 17–21 November 2003 in Moscow, in the 7th International professional winemakers competition “Best Champagne, Wine and Cognac of the Year 2003” – gold medal;
    • On 14–17 April 2003 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2002 exhibition – silver medal;
    • On 18 November 2002 , International professional winemakers competition, “Best Champagne, Wine and Cognac of the Year 2002” Moscow – silver medal;
    • On 26 June 2002, St. Petersburg exhibition of wines and vodkas 2002 – gold medal;
    • In 2002 Drinks Sankt Petersburg exhibition 2002 – gold medal;



    Capacity 1000 ml.

    Alc. 14,5%

    The production of ITALIANA ROSSO vermouth began in 2002.

    ITALIANA ROSSO vermouth is sweet red vermouth, characterized by intense yet pleasant and balanced taste.

    Vermouth is used as an appetizer or as a main ingredient of cocktails.

    This vermouth was awarded a gold medal in the Russian international exhibition.

    This drink has been awarded in international exhibitions:

    • On 02–05 April 2007 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2007 exhibition – silver medal;
    • On 17-21 November 2003 in Moscow, in the 7th International professional winemakers competition “Best Champagne, Wine and Cognac of the Year 2003” – gold medal;
    • On 14–17 April 2003 Drinks Sankt Petersburg 2002 exhibition – silver medal;
    • On 11 December 2002 – the nomination of the Lithuanian Product of the Year 2002 and the gold medal;
    • On 18 November 2002, International professional winemakers competition, “Best Champagne, Wine and Cognac of the Year 2002” Moscow – silver medal;
    • On 26 June 2002, St. Petersburg exhibition of wines and vodkas 2002 – gold medal;
    • In 2002 Drinks Sankt Petersburg exhibition 2002 – gold medal;

    Capacity 1000 ml.

    Alc. 14,5%

    The production of ITALIANA LEMON vermouth began in 2003.

    ITALIANA vermouth is a refreshing surprise with a lemon! The original taste of vermouth readily with lemon flavour and aroma.

    Vermouth is used as an appetizer or a main ingredient of cocktails.

    This drink has been awarded in international exhibitions:

    • 2003 International Drinks Sankt Petersburg exhibition 2002, Russia – gold medal;
    • In 2003 in Moscow, in the 7th International professional winemakers competition “Best Champagne, Wine and Cognac of the Year 2003” – silver medal; 

    Capacity 1000 ml.

    Alc. 14,5%

    The production of ITALIANA CHERRY vermouth began in 2004.

    Original, ripe cherry flavour and sweet aroma vermouth has a rich, intense, sun-ripe cherry colour and a soft breeze of almonds. Vermouth is used as an appetizer or a main ingredient of cocktails.

    This drink has been awarded in international exhibitions:

    • In 2004, in the 8th international professional winemakers competition held in Moscow, awarded the gold medal.

    Capacity 1000 ml.

    Alc. 14,5%

    ITALIANA ORANGE vermouth is the latest product in the category of vermouths. Seeing the growing demand for the ITALIANA vermouths the company in the first half of 2009 began to produce the orange flavoured ITALIANA ORANGE vermouth. The vermouth has a high quality, finely expressed orange flavour, well balanced with aromatic and taste properties of herbs.

    About products

    UAB ITALIANA LT began producing vermouths and flavoured wines in 2002. During the long production period, the company carefully perfected formulations and achieved the highest standards of taste – the aspects most important to the consumer. The strongest brand in the vermouth category is ITALIANA.


    Vermouth is the drink, created by saturating the grape wine with a variety of herb extracts, also by adding rectified spirit, with sugar or condensed grape wort. Absinthium is the main ingredient of vermouth. Vermouth can be white, pink and red, and have from 14.5 to 18% alcohol content. About 30 ingredients are used in its production.

    Vermouth is made from only white wine or several varieties of wine. Their mixture is stored in oak barrels for about a year. Italy and France are the main producers of vermouth. Vermouth can be consumed pure, or used for cocktails. Pure vermouth is used as an aperitif, chilled or with ice. It suitable with spirited drinks, particularly with gin.

    ITALIANA is one of the most successful brands in the category of vermouth. The meaning of the brand is perfectly suited to the associations of the vermouth origin, source, geographic area and category and therefore can be readily adapted in new markets. The long time of production of this drink allowed perfecting its foreign relations, production skills and experience which insures the perfect quality of this drink, and unique, great taste. ITALIANA vermouths are some of the most popular in the Lithuanian market.

    ITALIANA bianco
    ITALIANA rosso
    ITALIANA lemon
    ITALIANA cherry
    ITALIANA orange
  • Bitter flavour wine drink

    Capacity 1000 ml.

    Alc. 21%

    The production of bitter flavoured wine ITALIANA began in 2002.

    Bitter flavoured wine ITALIANA BITTER is made according to the original recipe created in Italy, and recommendations. With its distinctive taste and unique flavour this drink will entertain you with unusual colours and experiences. Recommended for cocktails with a variety of fruit juice: orange, grapefruit and other citrus fruits.

    This drink has been awarded in international exhibitions:

    • In 2003 in Moscow, in the 7th International professional winemakers competition “Best Champagne, Wine and Cognac of the Year 2003” – gold medal;
    • In 2003 Drinks Sankt Petersburg exhibition 2002 – gold medal;

    About product

    UAB ITALIANA LT began the production of bitter flavoured wine to fill the flavoured wine category, with a range of three main groups: vermouths, flavoured wines and bitter flavoured wine.

    Bitter flavoured wine is created for lovers of unique taste. A rare herb gentian is used in its production. This plant is one of the oldest plants with healing properties – it stimulates the appetite with its bitterness. This category is a rare, niche category, however, certainly finds a circle of fans in each market.

  • brandy

    Capacity 500 ml.

    Alc. 36%

    The production of MARSEL brandy began in 2009.

    It's a bit weaker brandy but retaining the classic quality and taste parameters. This brandy is well suited to fulfil the medium-price segment consumer needs. This brandy has a natural amber colour and traditional taste.

    Capacity 200 ml.

    Alc. 36%

    The production of MARSEL brandy began in 2009.

    It's a bit weaker brandy but retaining the classic quality and taste parameters. This brandy is well suited to fulfil the medium-price segment consumer needs. This brandy has a natural amber colour and traditional taste.

    Capacity 700 ml.

    Alc. 38 %

    DEPART is classic French VSOP (Very Special Old Pale) brandy, coming from the famous Camus cognac house. Nurtured by experienced masters and matured in oak casks, this brandy eventually took its classic taste, rich aroma and pure brownish tinge.

    DEPART brandy has been developed to provide a consumer with the traditional high quality beverage and offer it in a universal package. As a result, following the example from the Scandinavian countries, UAB ITALIANA LT was first in Lithuania in 2008 to present this new drink in a non-breaking, light, convenient 500 ml pack, which allows consumers to enjoy brandy during travels or leisure in nature.

    In 2009, the DEPART was complemented by another 200 ml plastic bottle container in order to provide even more convenience for consumers.

    In 2010, the DEPART was complemented by a 700 ml luxurious, glass bottle for consumers to maximize the emotional value of using this drink on special occasions.

    Try and evaluate the real brandy produced by true masters.

    Capacity 500 ml.

    Alc. 38 %

    DEPART is classic French VSOP (Very Special Old Pale) brandy, coming from the famous Camus cognac house. Nurtured by experienced masters and matured in oak casks, this brandy eventually took its classic taste, rich aroma and pure brownish tinge.

    DEPART brandy has been developed to provide a consumer with the traditional high quality beverage and offer it in a universal package. As a result, following the example from the Scandinavian countries, UAB ITALIANA LT was first in Lithuania in 2008 to present this new drink in a non-breaking, light, convenient 500 ml pack, which allows consumers to enjoy brandy during travels or leisure in nature.

    In 2009, the DEPART was complemented by another 200 ml plastic bottle container in order to provide even more convenience for consumers.

    In 2010, the DEPART was complemented by a 700 ml luxurious, glass bottle for consumers to maximize the emotional value of using this drink on special occasions.

    Try and evaluate the real brandy produced by true masters.

    Capacity 200 ml.

    Alc. 38%

    DEPART is classic French VSOP (Very Special Old Pale) brandy, coming from the famous Camus cognac house. Nurtured by experienced masters and matured in oak casks, this brandy eventually took its classic taste, rich aroma and pure brownish tinge.

    DEPART brandy has been developed to provide a consumer with the traditional high quality beverage and offer it in a universal package. As a result, following the example from the Scandinavian countries, UAB ITALIANA LT was first in Lithuania in 2008 to present this new drink in a non-breaking, light, convenient 500 ml pack, which allows consumers to enjoy brandy during travels or leisure in nature.

    In 2009, the DEPART was complemented by another 200 ml plastic bottle container in order to provide even more convenience for consumers.

    In 2010, the DEPART was complemented by a 700 ml luxurious, glass bottle for consumers to maximize the emotional value of using this drink on special occasions.

    Try and evaluate the real brandy produced by true masters.


    About brandy

    UAB ITALIANA LT produces brandy for nearly 10 years. During this period the specialists of the company learned all the subtleties of brandy production, and presented for the market the following brands of the brandy category: RENATA, BERNELIŲ UŽEIGA, DEPART, MARSEL. In order to strengthen its brands in the competitive brandy market, UAB ITALIANA LT now focused all the attention on the most recent DEPART and MARSEL brands.

    Marsel 0.5 l
    Marsel 0.2 l
    Depart 0.7 l
    Depart 0.5 l
    Depart 0.2 l
  • liqueur

    Capacity 500 ml.

    Alc. 20%

    The production of ITALIANA MELON liqueur began in 2004.
    ITALIANA MELON is a melon flavoured liqueur. It is recommended to use the liquor for a variety of cocktails, ice cream or fruit desserts. It is due to the unique gourmet properties of this beverage this drink should complement the bar or collection of each lover of alcohol cocktails.  

    Capacity 500 ml.

    Alc. 20%

    The production of ITALIANA PESCA liqueur began in 2006.
    To extend the range of ITALIANA cocktail liqueurs, the company did the extensive job in seeking for optimum solution for the cocktail liqueur line. In 2006 it presented a new liqueur, ITALIANA PESCA. The liqueur ITALIANA PESCA with peach to taste and smell is an excellent ingredient for cocktails. Like ITALIANA MELON, the liqueur will provide a unique, elegant feel, and will be particularly good for flavouring of alcoholic cocktails or desserts. 

    About products

    UAB ITALIANA LT began the production of liqueurs in 2002; this category was expanded in 2004 by presenting to the market a group of cocktail liqueurs with ITALIANA brand. ITALIANA cocktail liqueurs are produced according to the original Italian recipe, have a very high quality and stability of the beverage. All this ensures that both the taste and aroma of this drink even with a prolonged use remains unchanged.

    ITALIANA liquors complete the line of high-quality light aperitifs and cocktails. In addition to sparkling wines, vermouth and wine and flavoured bitter, ITALIANA aromatic liqueurs are designed to be used for the production of cocktails and desserts. Melon and peach aroma and flavour ITALIANA liqueurs are produced using a unique recipe created in Italy. They maintain a consistent flavour, taste and colour, they are amazing users with the original and unique taste of ripen exotic fruits.

  • special technology fortified wines

    Capacity 700 ml.

    Alc. 21%

    UAB „ITAINA“ iš natūralaus vynuogių vyno gamina stiprius vynus. Įmonė turi plačią įsitvirtinusių šios kategorijos prekės ženklų gamą. Tačiau kiekvienam verslo partneriui gali sukurti individualų šio produkto prekės ženklą.  

    Capacity 700 ml.

    Alc. 18%

      UAB „ITAINA“ fermentuotų obuolių sulčių pagrindu gamina stiprius vynus. Įmonė turi plačią įsitvirtinusių šios kategorijos prekės ženklų gamą. Tačiau kiekvienam verslo partneriui gali sukurti individualų šio produkto prekės ženklą.

    Capacity 700 ml.

    Alc. 18 %

    Capacity 700 ml.

    Alc. 18 %

    Capacity 700 ml.

    Alc. 19%

    Capacity 700 ml.

    Alc. 19%

    Capacity 700 ml.

    Alc. 21%

    UAB „ITAINA“ iš natūralaus vynuogių vyno gamina stiprius vynus. Įmonė turi plačią įsitvirtinusių šios kategorijos prekės ženklų gamą. Tačiau kiekvienam verslo partneriui gali sukurti individualų šio produkto prekės ženklą.  

    Capacity 700 ml.

    Alc. 19 %

    Capacity 700 ml.


    Capacity 700 ml.


    About products

    UAB ITALIANA LT uses a special technology to produce berry fruit wines for more than 10 years. The company has extensive experience in the production of these drinks and has developed thorough recipes due to which this category of products has established itself firmly, and became dominant in the Lithuanian market. In view of the market needs of Lithuania and neighbouring countries, the company produces the full range of products – fruit and berry wines of three different strengths. During this period UAB ITALIANA LT has developed a wide series of brands in this category. However, according to the needs of customers, the company can develop and offer individual brands for each customer.

    „KLUMPĖS“, baltasis
    „KLUMPĖS“, raudonasis
    „LIEPSNA“, baltasis
    „LIEPSNA“, raudonasis
    „RULETĖ“, baltasis
    „RULETĖ“, raudonasis
    „AGDAM“, baltasis
    ARIMU' raudonasis
    ŠVOGERIŲ baltasis
    „ŠVOGERIŲ“ raudonasis
  • fermented drinks

    Capacity 750 ml.

    Alc. 8%

    Capacity 750 ml.

    Alc. 8%

    Fermentuoti putojantys gėrimai pradėti gaminti nuo įmonės įkūrimo - 1995 metais. "Itainos" vyno gėrimų sėkmę užtikrina puiki žaliavų kokybė, naujausia gamybos technologija bei įmonės specialistų patirtis ir meistriškumas. Šie švelnūs, gaivaus aromato ir lengvo skonio gėrimai, pagaminti pagal originalią technologiją, kiekvieną Jūsų šventę padarys ypatingą. Fermentuotas gėrimas tinkamas vartoti prieš valgį kaip aperityvas, ar po valgio, prie deserto.

    Capacity 750 ml.

    Alc. 8%

    Fermentuoti putojantys gėrimai pradėti gaminti nuo įmonės įkūrimo - 1995 metais. "Itainos" vyno gėrimų sėkmę užtikrina puiki žaliavų kokybė, naujausia gamybos technologija bei įmonės specialistų patirtis ir meistriškumas. Šie švelnūs, gaivaus aromato ir lengvo skonio gėrimai, pagaminti pagal originalią technologiją, kiekvieną Jūsų šventę padarys ypatingą. Fermentuotas gėrimas tinkamas vartoti prieš valgį kaip aperityvas, ar po valgio, prie deserto.

    About products

    Fermented sparkling beverages were produced since the company's establishment. The success of wine-based drinks of UAB ITALIANA LT is ensured by good quality of raw materials, latest manufacturing technology and the experience and professional excellence of our specialists. These beverages with gentle, refreshing aroma and mild taste made according to the original technology will make your every holiday a special one. Fermented beverage is suitable for use as an aperitif before meals or after meals with desserts.

    In view of the customer's needs, we can create new or adapt the current brands in this category. And many years of experience in both the Lithuanian and Baltic markets, allows us to provide the customer with the optimal brand solution, adapted for the country market characteristics, customer needs and expectations.

    Muscatel pusiau saldus
    Sidabrinis muskatas
    Auksinis muskatas
  • flavoured special technology wine

    Capacity 1000 ml.

    Alc. 14.5%

    The production of RAVELLO BIANCO vermouth began in 2009.

    RAVELLO BIANCO is flavoured wine of traditional flavour, high quality.

    It is recommended to use this drink for cocktails, or to savour it with a slice of lemon and ice cubes.

    Capacity 1000 ml.

    Alc. 14.5%

    The production of RAVELLO ROSSO vermouth began in 2009.

    RAVELLO ROSSO is high quality, traditional flavour, red fruit and berry wine. This beverage has excellent taste, bright flower and fruit flavours and a pleasant mild aftertaste.

    Capacity 1000 ml.

    Alc. 14,5%

    The production of PALERMO BIANCO vermouth began in 2007.

    With its excellent flavour and aroma PALERMO BIANCO vermouth is made from high quality wine, specially selected for this drink.

    We recommend you to drink an aperitif with a lot of ice cubes, a slice of lemon, or use it for cocktails.

    Capacity 1000 ml.

    Alc. 14,5%

    The production of PALERMO ROSSO vermouth began in 2007.

    Special flavour characteristics of his drink are demonstrated by high-quality wine raw material enriched with flavoured extract.

    We recommend you to drink an aperitif with a lot of ice cubes, a slice of lemon, or use it for cocktails.

    About RAVELLO

    Following the success of PALERMO in 2009 we presented to the market another brand of this category of drinks – RAVELLO. Special technology flavoured RAVELLO fruit and berry wine features a delicate mild taste of vermouth, fresh herbs and fragrant spices. RAVELLO flavoured wine is a great alternative to vermouth lovers.

    About PALERMO

    PALERMO is a brand reflecting the Italian style and celebration traditions. It meets the quality standards applied for this category, has an excellent, remarkable taste and therefore PALERMO became a solid brand in the Lithuanian market. PALERMO denotes a direct geographical indication; this international brand ensures smooth integration into the market of any country.